Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hair Health/Growth Regimen Day 1

I decided recently that I'd like to grow about 14 feet of hair before my wedding. This sounds absolutely reasonable (and possible) to me. OK, hyperbole aside, a friend of mine at work started taking iron supplements and saw a nice increase in the health and length of her hair, so I thought I'd copy her. I picked up some iron-focused multivitamins, Mane 'n Tail shampoo, and "Care Free Curl" curl activator. I'd read and seen nice results of Mane 'n Tail helping with body and shine, and my lifeless locks could certainly use the help. I also love my curly hair and am hoping the Care Free Curl (which I will probably refer to as CFC from here on) will help spring it up a bit.

One of my favorite things is to wear my hair curly for several weeks - I'm pretty sure there wasn't a day this past summer that it was straight - and then one day, straighten it out. It looks so much shorter when it's curled that when it is straight I get the feeling of it being so much longer than it really is.

In August '09, I hacked off all my hair. Again, hyperbole, but I made a dramatic cut from armpit-length to chin-length. I always do these stupid things. I'm a highly impulsive person and I just kind of "felt like doing it" until about 3 days later when I was clamoring to have it all back. I've made the same mistake (cutting ridiculous amounts of length off in one fell snip) several times in my life, and I apparently have never learned my lesson.

Well, in October of next year, I'm getting married to Joe and I would ideally have 6 more inches of length by then. If hair typically grows at half and inch per month, and I've got about 18 months to go, hair law says I should be able to get 9 inches. Factoring in regular trimmings (which I should actually start doing) a more realistic goal would be about 6 inches. I'm going to straighten out my hair today and take a picture and compare it to my hair in six months given the iron supplements and hair care products.

I'm also hoping to consume as much water as possible and I'm really hoping to get my diet back in control to not only promote the hair growth but also perhaps shed some weight. That wouldn't be a bad side effect.

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