Monday, April 12, 2010

Smunday (Malcolm in the Middle Reference!)

Hokay, so. Today is Monday. Everyone hates Mondays, except me. I don't hate Mondays all that much. I hated them a lot more in high school because Monday morning always cut my weekends short. Years later, I have found that Mondays aren't all that unbearable. In fact, I think I might even like them a little.

On Mondays, I drive Joe to school at 11AM, and afterward is my errands/groceries/cooking/cleaning/wife time in which I run errands, do the grocery shopping for the week, cook whatever treats/long-cook meals need to be prepared for the week, and clean the house.

Well, let me tell you that I am no chef. I am the first to admit it. I am not a bad cook, I make decent meals very often, but I am not a practiced cook. I have no knife skills other than 'the sharp edge makes things go apart' and I can't come up with awesome recipes on the fly. So I usually rely on a website or cookbook to tell me what to make. Today's adventure was a flaky pastry treat that Joe loves, but I have never had.

It may not look the part and it may not even taste the part, but I'll be damned if my Monday concoction isn't some form of baklava. YUM! I may have had too heavy of a hand when it came to the butter and the phyllo may have split itself in half when I unrolled it, but the final product is chock full of nuts, honey, sugar, pastry, gooey and crisp goodness. I thought of a couple tricks to implement next time I want to create this delight that would help with the butter and sog factor (I tells ya, a little too much butter makes a good baklava look like a pecan pond), but overall the flavor is spot on - I assume. I'll have Joe try it and hopefully he won't think it's terrible. And even if he does... More for me!


  1. Normal Baklava turns into a pecan pond. It's always very bottom heavy, and very, very sticky. And, generally, very, very delicious.

  2. Superb! Because that's exactly what mine is! A sticky disaster but oh, so good.
