Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I may have forgotten to update this little thing for... 5 days. Yikes. What happened the past 5 days? I don't remember. It might take me a second. So, while I gather my memories, I'll tell you about a terrible movie I stupidly spent too much money to see.

Actually, I'll let Joe do my talking for me - he wrote an excellent critique of this waste-of-space movie and our feelings on it, and I couldn't write anything that so adequately summarizes our evening. Here it is: Click for Joe's blog.

If you didn't read his post, the movie we saw was "Kick-Ass." I'm sorry if you liked it, I don't mean to offend, but I believe I lost a significant number of neurons by the end.

Lessee here, the last time I wrote was on Thursday? Hmm. That chickpea stew really was delicious. Well, Thursday night is Project Runway night and also the only time that Joe and I really spend watching TV. For as much as it's on during the week, we usually just do other things and not pay attention. However, on Thursday, it's Survivor, then we go pick up Deanna (we used to watch The Office, but... it sucks now) and watch 30 Rock, Project Runway, and Models of the Runway. As we were sitting there enjoying (and yelling at) the shows, we saw this creepy silhouette approach our window. Our cat was going crazy. It took me a second, but I recognized that it was our friend (and Dee's boyfriend) Mike! Happiest surprises! His appearance made for a fun weekend, it always does.

There was Clue playing and consumption of perhaps one too many cocktails (lime vodka and Sprite, right?) There was Mario Party and Chili's and a terrible movie followed by brain-stimulating conversation which made me feel better about everything.

Saturday, for most of the day, I was nursing a monstrous hangover and spent about three hours with Joe telling family stories - it was wonderful. His voice is my favorite sound. I know that is super cheesy, but there is absolutely nothing better than spending time with him. I hope everyone has a person like that in their lives.

There was a lot of wedding talk this weekend, too. We actually ended up changing our date from October 1 of next year to April 30 of next year. So, now we're at just about 1 year from the wedding. Maybe sometime soon I'll do a huge wedding post and talk about plans and dreams and everything. But for now, I'll finish with this: I am excited for the wedding. It will be a beautiful day and I'm excited to have our family celebrate this with us, but more than anything I am excited for the marriage. I believe Joe and I are attached at the heart, and being his and having him is more important to me than all the weddings in the world.

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